
Monday, May 23, 2011

What's the real plan that the US has for Israel?

What's the real plan that the US has for Israel?-

Stephen C. Sanders
May 23, 2011 2:05pm EST

A look what others are saying is the plan within the plan:

Just like any magician often employs the use of smoke and mirror to give a certain appearance to those who sit in the audience, another logical question is what are our figure heads, diplomats and political machines really up to?

To answer that question I decide to conduct a fairly in-depth look at what other writers, bloggers and authoritative political commentators have to say on some of the long term planning of what we have beed hearing so much about, the proposed "Two State Solution".

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Chase Community Giving, a program of JP Morgan Chase Foundation, which since 2009 has donated $10 million to 300 small and local charities. The program (which uses Facebook as the key platform for nonprofits to compete for community votes and, ultimately, win their grants) produced the forum in response to nonprofits who requested help using social media.

Elie Wiesel (born Eliezer Wiesel on September 30, 1928) is a Jewish writer, professor, political activist, Nobel Laureate and Holocaust survivor. He is the author of 57 books, the best known of which is Night, a memoir that describes his experiences during the Holocaust and his imprisonment in several concentration camps. His diverse range of other writings offer powerful and poetic contributions to literature, theology, and a unique articulation of Jewish spirituality today.

Wiesel said he was more supportive of Obama's overall push to return to the negotiating table than the details of the proposition that Israel return to its pre-1967 borders.
"I also am for a two-state solution. What would it look like? Let them sit down and discuss it," Wiesel said.
Wiesel -- a Holocaust survivor, author and human rights activist -- said he does not believe Obama is "anti-Israel," although Obama's comments drew widespread criticism in Israel.
"He wants to find a solution," Wiesel said.

Now here is an obviously older piece getting to what really might be at the heart of the Israel-Palestine Issue:


William B. Quandt, Ali Abunimah, Asad Ghanem, Alon Ben-Meir

The following is an edited transcript of the fifty-fifth in a series of Capitol Hill conferences convened by the Middle East Policy Council. The meeting was held on Friday, January 16, 2009, with Chas. W. Freeman, Jr., presiding.

Chas W. Freeman JR.


Among today’s pressing issues is the question of peace between Israel and its neighbors. Six years ago in April, the Middle East Policy Council dedicated a conference to the question of whether the two-state solution was viable or not.

[Selected Excerpt]

Meanwhile, the definition of the two-state solution continues to slide, as we were reminded by Tzipi Livni, who declared that one of the merits of a two-state solution is that it would allow Israeli Arabs to be transferred to an independent Palestine and stripped of their Israeli citizenship.

 This doesn’t speak well of the direction of Israeli politics or the hope for this solution. So President-elect Obama, in a few days when he takes offi ce, will inherit a situation in which there’s no clear diplomatic process, and, though Israel’s existence as a military power in the region is well understood and recognized, its legitimacy as a country is not accepted. 

In many respects, Israel is not part of the Middle East at all — not politically, not economically and not culturally.


Here is another somewhat historic document, noting its publication date of: August 26, 2009


Key to bringing Israel on board is a promise by the US to adopt a much tougher line with Iran over its alleged nuclear weapons programme. The US, along with Britain and France, is planning to push the United Nations security council to expand sanctions to include Iran’s oil and gas industry, a move that could cripple its economy.
In return, the Israeli government will be expected to agree to a partial freeze on the construction of settlements in the Middle East. In the words of one official close to the negotiations: “The message is: Iran is an existential threat to Israel; settlements are not.”

It's possible a clearer message is beginning to emerge:

Lets try to agree on this idea: As bad as the situation might be regarding terrorsim and Israel, the issue of Iran truly developing (or need we more accurately assume) or actually having weapons of mass destruction is far more of  global issue where we see the strategic importance of Israel as an ally in defense of the entire free world. However where does the ever so important roll of the US, as the single most important nation in a real position to broker an international deal, which might effectively stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons. 

So here is how one might frame such an issue: Where have we seen a democrat in office taking a real effective military ultimatum against deployment of weapons of mass destruction? 

I have my theory, but I also want to keep this thread open a bit longer to see where it take us.

[To be continued]

Stephen C. Sanders
May 23, 2011 2:00pm EST

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